From low-hanging fruit to nature transition planning: Watch CSO Futures' nature strategy webinar

More and more companies are showing interest in measuring their impacts and dependencies on nature – but for many, uncertainty around technicalities and regulatory obligations is blocking action.
In this CSO Futures webinar, held on November 26, 2024, Thomas Viegas, Nature Strategy Lead, Aviva and Tom Hegarty, Senior Manager – Lead, Transition planning and targets, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) shared practical tips to kickstart a corporate nature strategy in line with international standards, investor expectations and regulatory frameworks.
From low-hanging fruit to financial mechanisms and nature transition planning, Viegas and Hegarty drew from their deep experience in moving nature up the corporate agenda to answer sustainability professionals' burning questions on the topic.
The full webinar is now available to watch for CSO Futures subscribers.