Olivia Peluso

Olivia Peluso

CSO Futures Weekly: Governments asked to step up, while some businesses push back

CSO Futures Weekly: Governments asked to step up, while some businesses push back

Courts and countries are backing biodiversity around the world, while the EU faces pressure from businesses on both sides as it smooths out its climate targets.
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Lufthansa plane

Lufthansa Group adds fee to cover EU sustainability regulations

The Lufthansa Group is introducing an environmental surcharge to all flights departing from the EU, the UK, Norway, and Switzerland, saying it could not bear the additional costs generated from soon-to-be enacted sustainability regulations.
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bag of plastic water bottles in Nigeria

Nigeria to ban single-use plastics from 2025

Nigeria announced a ban on single-use plastics in government offices as the first step in a nationwide ban set to begin in January.
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employees in an office

Survey: Employees lack trust, guidance with sustainability in workplace

Most employees are both unhappy with their employer's lack of climate action and don't know how to incorporate sustainability into their own roles, the survey found.
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ECB headquarters sign

ECB sets stricter climate targets for portfolio

The European Central Bank said it would introduce greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for its corporate bond portfolio and may even sell some assets if it fails to meet its goals.
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climate protestor holds up 1.5°C sign

New business coalition launches to boost government climate plans ahead of UN deadline

Some of the world’s largest companies, financial institutions, and cities have formed the Mission 2025 coalition, calling for governments to increase their ambition in setting climate goals.
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solar panels

ISSB to ‘harmonize disclosures’ on corporate climate transition plans

The International Sustainability Standards Board said it would release guidance to standardize how companies worldwide publish details on their climate transition plans to meet net-zero goals.
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TotalEnergies, EnBW win offshore wind site for US$3.2 bn

TotalEnergies, EnBW win offshore wind site for US$3.2 bn

TotalEnergies and EnBW won a 2.5 gigawatt (GW) German offshore wind site in an auction for a combined $3.2 billion.
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road in Oahu, Hawaii

Children win landmark Hawaii climate case

A group of young activists and children has won a constitutional case that will force a government department to curb transportation emissions in Hawaii.
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FedEx delivery truck

FedEx appoints Karen Blanks Ellis as new chief sustainability officer

Karen Blanks Ellis will replace longtime sustainability leader Mitch Jackson as the company's new CSO.
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